
The intensity between the lines of the nature, which form and deform themselves with their different meanings, wherefrom all of them join – develop and create themselves – create themselves again until the achievement of the point of culmination; the most intensive of an idea as whole – in its whole – is the force of abstraction.

Katia de A. Simões (Holo, 2009/2010)



For me, painting is my constant dialogue, which i need, i am driven.

In the nature i find forms – the most beautiful forms -, which are unlimited.
The lines and forms in the nature are reminiscent to forms of human body.
My permanent dialogue is like an automatic expressive script, which has to be written down, to record these forms. This script is defined and dictated by my soul.

In the essay – L’air et les songes (of 1943) - from Gaston Bachelard about the imagination of gesture, in Chapter XII he has written about the sense of the two words – vie et âme – life and soul. He quotes and refers to Charles Nodier, who has dealed with the phonetics and meaning of the french language: The emphasis of the words – vie et âme – is based on the exercise of breathing:

    vie en inspirant – life while inhaling
    âme en expirant – soul while exhaling

This gesture is for Bachelard the exercise of breathing, the sence / the synonym of life and soul. At an anonymus place it is life, which inhales all and suaks it up into the chest; the soul gives it gently exhaling back to the univers.

My soul makes progress of random – of an impression, an outline, a stroke, a material defect of and on the canvas or a dot on the paper.
As it is written by Cozens “Le Tratat des Taches” – the hazard of the spot, the Tachisme (from french tache=spot) – the spot has to be changed and made progress to be readably.

Katia de A. Simões (Hohenlockstedt, 2009)